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Listen audiobook » Science » Marvels of Modern Science - Paul Severing

Great audiobook "Marvels of Modern Science - Paul Severing" online free

The purpose of this little book is to give a general idea of a few of the great achievements of our time. For instance, the flying machine is engaging the attention of the old, the young and the middle-aged, and soon the whole world will be on the wing. Radium, "the revealer," is opening the door to possibilities almost beyond human conception. Wireless Telegraphy is crossing thousands of miles of space with invisible feet and making the nations of the earth as one. 'Tis the same with the other subjects,—one and all are of vital, human interest, and are extremely attractive on account of their importance in the civilization of today. Mighty, sublime, wonderful, as have been the achievements of past science, as yet we are but on the verge of the continents of discovery. Just as our conceptions of many things have been revolutionized in the past, those which we hold to-day of the cosmic processes may have to be remodeled in the future. Science is ever on the march and what is new to-day will be old to-morrow. We cannot go back, we must go forward, and although we can never reach finality in aught, we can improve on the past to enrich the future. (From the Introduction)

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IntroductionFlying MachinesWireless TelegraphyRadiumMoving PicturesSky-Scrapers and How They Are BuiltOcean PalacesWonderful Creations in Plant LifeLatest Discoveries in ArchaeologyGreat Tunnels of the WorldElectricity in the HouseholdHarnessing the Water-FallWonderful WarshipsA Talk on Big GunsMystery of the StarsCan We Communicate With Other Worlds?
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Marvels of Modern Science - Paul Severing - Paul Severing

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Marvels of Modern Science - Paul Severing (Paul Severing)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Science / Technology & Engineering".