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READERS The design of this work is to show the unhappy results of jealousy and misplaced confidence, arid the wicked designs of corrupt parties. Man and woman were created for a noble purpose by their Creator; but how often do we see families that have lived long happily together rent in twain by such malignant characters as Mrs. H., Aunt Polly and Martha Lovejoy more fully explained in the following work. Such characters are to be found in all communities, like hungry wolves hunting down their prey; they often paralyze the hopes of the good and just, cause doubts, gloom and despair to overhang their pathway, where the radiant sunlight of happiness had long beamed. Malicious persons, like Sampson's foxes, are ever scattering the firebrands of hate, mischief and discord, and should be shunned by all lovers of good society. - Summary by Thomas P. Detter

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Nellie Brown, or, The Jealous Wife, With Other Sketches - Thomas P. Detter - Thomas P. Detter

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