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Listen audiobook » Single author » Mountain Idylls, and Other Poems - Alfred Castner King

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"The author of this unpretentious volume has long questioned the advisability of adding a book to our already inflated and overloaded literature, unless it should contain something in the nature of a deviation from beaten literary paths.

Whether the reading public will regard this as such or not is a question for the future to determine, as every book is a creature of circumstance, and at the date of its publication an algebraic unknown quantity.

It was not the original intention of the author to publish any of his effusions in collective form until more mature years and riper judgment should better qualify him for the task of composition, and should enable him to still further pursue the important studies of etymology, rhetoric, Latin and Greek, and complete the education which youthful environment denied.

On the 17th of March, A.D. 1900, occurred an accident in the form of a premature mining explosion which banished the light of the Colorado sun from his eyes forever, adding the almost insurmountable barrier of total and hopeless blindness to those of limited means and insufficient education. At first further effort seemed useless, but as time meliorates in some degree even the most deplorable and distressing physical conditions, ambition slowly rallied, and while lying for several months a patient in various hospitals in an ineffectual attempt to regain even partial sight, the following ideas and efforts of past years were gradually recalled from the recesses of memory, and reduced to their present form, in which, with no small hesitation and misgiving, they are presented to the consideration of the reading public, which in the humble opinion of the author has frequently failed to receive and appreciate productions of vastly superior merit." (Excerpt from the Preface)

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Dedication / PrefaceGrandeurNature's ChildTo the PinesReflectionsLife's MysteryThe Fallen TreeThere is an Air of MajestyThink Not That the Heart Is Devoid of EmotionHumanity's StreamNature's LullabyThe Spirit of freedom is Born of the MountainsThe Valley of the San MiguelTo Mother HubertaSuggested by a Mountain EagleThe Silvery San JuanAs the Shifting Sands of the DesertMissedIf I Have Lived BeforeThe Darker SideThe MinerLife's UndercurrentThey Cannot See the Wreaths We PlaceMother—Alpha and OmegaEmpty are the Mother's ArmsIn Deo FidesShall Love, as the Bridal Wreath, Whither and Die?Shall Our Memories Live When the Sod Rolls Above Us?A ReverieLove's PleaAshes to Ashes, Dust to DustDespairHidden SorrowsO, a Beautiful Thing Is the Flower That Fadeth!SmilesA RequestBattle HymnThe Nations PerilEchoes from GalileeGo, And Sin No MoreGently Lead Me, Star DivineDying HymnIn Mortem MeditareDeprive This Strange and Complex WorldThe Legend of St. RegimundAs The IndianThe Fragrant Perfume of the FlowersAn AnswerFameThe First StormThoughtsFrom A Saxon LegendChristmas ChimesThe UnknowableThe SuicideI Think When I Stand in the Presence of DeathHopeMetabole
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Mountain Idylls, and Other Poems - Alfred Castner King - Alfred Castner King

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