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Listen audiobook » Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) » The Religious Experience of the Roman People - W. Warde Fowler

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A series of lectures delivered by Professor Fowler at Edinburgh University for a public audience, concerning the development and decay of the religion of the Roman City-state. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

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Lecture I - IntroductoryLecture II - On the Threshold of Religion: SurvivalsLecture III - On the Threshold of Religion: MagicLecture IV - The Religion of the FamilyLecture V - The Calendar of NumaLecture VI - The Divine Objects of WorshipLecture VII - The Deities of the Earliest Religion: General CharacteristicsLecture VIII - Ritual of the Ius DivinumLecture IX - Ritual (Continued)Lecture X - First Arrival of New Cults in RomeLecture XI - Contact of the Old and New in ReligionLecture XII - The Pontifices and Secularisation of ReligionLecture XIII - The Augurs and the Art of DivinationLecture XIV - The Hannibalic WarLecture XV - After the Hannibalic WarSection XVI - Greek Philosophy and Roman ReligionLecture XVII - Mysticism - Ideas of a Future LifeLecture XVIII - Religious Feelings in the Poems of VirgilLecture XIX - The Augustan RevivalLecture XX - ConclusionAppendix I - On the Use of Huts or Booths in Religious RitualAppendix II - Professor Deubner's Theory of the LupercaliaAppendix III - The Pairs of Deities in Gellius xiii 23Appendix IV - Ius and FasAppendix V - The Worship of Sacred Utensils

The Religious Experience of the Roman People - W. Warde Fowler - W. Warde Fowler

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