Listen audiobook » Travel & Geography » The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury - Julia Mary Cartwright

Great audiobook "The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury - Julia Mary Cartwright" online free

"This account of the Way trodden by the pilgrims of the Middle Ages through the South of England to the shrine of St. Thomas of Canterbury originally appeared in the Art Journal for 1892, with illustrations by Mr. A. Quinton. It was published in the following year as a separate volume, and reprinted in 1895 and 1901. Now by the courtesy of Messrs. Virtue’s representatives, and in response to a continued demand, it appears again in a new and revised form, with the additional attraction of illustrations from original drawings by Mr. Hallam Murray. - Summary adapted from the Preface

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The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury - Julia Mary Cartwright - Julia Mary Cartwright

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Pilgrims' Way from Winchester to Canterbury - Julia Mary Cartwright (Julia Mary Cartwright)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Travel & Geography / Middle Ages/Middle History".