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Listen audiobook » War & Military Fiction » Six Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881 - James B. Gillett

Great audiobook "Six Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881 - James B. Gillett" online free

James Gillet recounts his adventures with the Texas Rangers 1856-1937. In a very entertaining style he recounts personal stories of wars, feuds, battles with the Apache nation and pursuing robbers and murderers. From these stories, and others like them, arose the many legends of courage and daring among the Texas Rangers. “The Texas Rangers, as an organization, dates from the spring of 1836. When the Alamo had fallen before the onslaught of the Mexican troops and the frightful massacre had occurred, General Sam Houston organized among the Texan settlers in the territory a troop of 1600 mounted riflemen. This company, formed for the defense of the Texan borders, was the original Texas Ranger unit. . .” from chapter 2 - Summary by Larry Wilson

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ForewardThe Making of a RangerThe Texas RangersI Join the RangersMy First Brush With the IndiansThe Mason County WarMajor Jones and His EscortThe Horrell-Higgins FeudService With Reynolds, the Intrepid Part 1Service With Reynolds, the Intrepid Part 2Sam Bass and His Train Robber Gang Part 1Sam Bass and His Train Robber Gang Part 2A Winter of Quiet and a TransferThe Salt Lake War and a Long TrekOur First Fight With ApachesScouting in MexicoTreacherous Braves, a Faithful Dog, and a MurderVictorio Becomes a Good IndianSome Undesirable RecruitsLast Fight Between Rangers and ApachesAn International EpisodeLast ScoutingsFruits of Ranger Service

Six Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881 - James B. Gillett - James B. Gillett

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Six Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881 - James B. Gillett (James B. Gillett)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "War & Military Fiction / Biography & Autobiography / Modern (19th C)".