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Listen audiobook » Westerns » Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains - G. A. Henty

Great audiobook "Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains - G. A. Henty" online free

The central interest of this story is found in the many adventures of an English lad who seeks employment as a cowboy on a cattle ranch. His experiences during a "roundup" present in picturesque form the toilsome, exciting, adventurous life of a cowboy; while the perils of a frontier settlement are vividly set forth in an Indian raid, accompanied by pillage, capture, and recapture. The story is packed full of breezy adventure.

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PrefaceChapter 1: An AdvertisementChapter 2: Terrible NewsChapter 3: The Wanderer's ReturnChapter 4: An ExplosionChapter 5: Across the SeaChapter 6: A Horse DealChapter 7: Among the Cow-boysChapter 8: A Rattlesnake DietChapter 9: A Round-upChapter 10: A RaceChapter 11: A Fire on the PlainsChapter 12: An Indian RaidChapter 13: RescuedChapter 14: Surrounded by RedskinsChapter 15: With the Waggon TeamsChapter 16: A Mining ExpeditionChapter 17: Carried offChapter 18: The Brigands' HauntChapter 19: A Fight and a RescueChapter 20: The Avenger
Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains - G. A. Henty - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains - G. A. Henty - G. A. Henty

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains - G. A. Henty (G. A. Henty)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Westerns".