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In this dime novel set on the American frontier, we meet a beautiful young girl, Sadie, who is fending off advances from the rough woodsman, known as Black Will. Luckily, Cooney Joe comes to her rescue while her father is out hunting. Life is hard on the frontier, and there is constant danger from Black Hawk and his warriors, but Sadie and her father try to live in peace with everyone.

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The Border Suitor—Cooney JoeMinneoba’s warningBlack-Hawk InsultedLittle Fox—Na-She-EschuckThe Price of TreacheryThe First BlowOverboardMelton’s Scout—A Bush FightThe Defense of the IslandThe Forest FiendBlack-Hawk Keeps His WordSadie’s SacrificeGuests Not Invited
The Border Riflemen - Albert W. Aiken - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

The Border Riflemen - Albert W. Aiken - Albert W. Aiken

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Border Riflemen - Albert W. Aiken (Albert W. Aiken)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Action & Adventure Fiction / Westerns".