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Listen audiobook » Biography & Autobiography » Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume III - Francis ASBURY

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As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. - Summary by Devorah Allen

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January 1-February 25, 1801February 26-April 18, 1801April 19,-August 16, 1801August 19-November 8, 1801November 9, 1801-January 19, 1802January 20-April 14, 1802April 15-June 20, 1802June 21-August 16, 1802August 18-November 4, 1802November 7, 1802-February 3, 1803February 4-April 19, 1803April 20-July 11, 1803July 12-October 8, 1803October 9-December 26, 1803January 4-March 31, 1804April 4-August 7, 1804August 8-December 3, 1804December 11, 1804-February 16, 1805February 17-May 18, 1805May 19-August 25, 1805September 2-December 12, 1805December 14, 1805-April 12, 1806April 13-July 8, 1806July 11-November 22, 1806November 23, 1806-April 12, 1807April 13-July 17, 1807July 18-October 25, 1807November 1, 1807-June 5, 1808June 6-October 8, 1808October 18, 1808-March 5, 1809March 19-June 11, 1809June 18-September 10, 1809September 24, 1809-February 4, 1810February 18-June 24, 1810July 8-November 11, 1810November 18, 1810-April 7, 1811April 14-August 1, 1811August 4, 1811-February 15, 1812February 16-July 28, 1812August 2-December 8, 1812December 9, 1812-May 8, 1813May 9-August 15, 1813August 20, 1813-July 23, 1814July 25-November 30, 1814December 3, 1814-April 30, 1815May 5-August 13, 1815August 20-December 7, 1815A Short Account of his Death
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Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume III - Francis ASBURY - Francis ASBURY

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