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Listen audiobook » Children's Non-fiction » The Adventures of a Grain of Dust - Hallam HAWKSWORTH

Great audiobook "The Adventures of a Grain of Dust - Hallam HAWKSWORTH" online free

This charming book for children is full of interesting facts about all sorts of plants, insects, birds and animals and how they all help to enrich the soil for farmers - each in its own special way. Join our narrator, The Grain of Dust on a fascinating journey around the planet to meet them.

"I don't want you to think that I'm boasting, but I do believe I'm one of the greatest travellers that ever was; and if anybody, living or dead, has ever gone through with more than I have I'd like to hear about it. Not that I've personally been in all the places or taken part in all the things I tell in this book—I don't mean to say that—but I do ask you to remember how long it is possible for a grain of dust to last, and how many other far-travelled and much-adventured dust grains it must meet and mix with in the course of its life. ...Finally, if what we call flesh and blood can think and talk, why not a grain of dust? In fact, what is flesh and blood but dust come back to life? Says the poet—and the poets know:

'The very dust that blows along the street Once whispered to its love that life is sweet.'

You see it's as likely a thing as could happen—this whole story."

Summary by J. M. Smallheer with quotes from the Preface of the book

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The Adventures of a Grain of Dust - Hallam HAWKSWORTH - Hallam HAWKSWORTH

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Adventures of a Grain of Dust - Hallam HAWKSWORTH (Hallam HAWKSWORTH)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Children's Non-fiction / Science".