Great audiobook "The Reformation Collection Volume 2 - Various" online free
This volume of the Reformation collection, which has a particular focus on the English Reformation, begins with William Tyndale's lively tract on the key Reformation doctrine of Justification by faith alone. Then follow two historical accounts of the reception that Reformation ideas received. Martin Luther works line by line through the popular Marian hymn Salve Regina expressing his disagreement. Christ the End of the Law is John Calvin's summary of the gospel message, written as the preface to the Geneva Bible. Calvin's Admonition against Astrology was translated into Early Modern English and has lain relatively forgotten for many years. There follow a number of documents authorised by Henry VIII and Edward VI of England showing the progress and regression of the Reformation in their reigns, including an essay against the claims of the Pope, written by Edward VI at age 12. Next come two letters relating to the English Reformation: Thomas Cromwell commenting on the reception of Tyndale's ideas by Henry VIII and Peter Martyr Vermigli writing to Heinrich Bullinger from England during the writing of the prayer book, expressing sadness that Calvin's doctrine of the sacraments had not found universal acceptance. Then come a series of short pieces by the 'Oxford Martyrs' - Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley - carrying out the business of reforming the church. John Bradford's Preface to Melanchthon's book on prayer is "of interest, in showing the feeling entertained in England, by the faithful worshippers, during the brief period between the decease of Edward VI. and the imprisonment of the godly Protestant Bishops and other Clergy." This volume of the Reformation collection ends with an eyewitness account of the final days of Martin Luther. (Summary by InTheDesert)
A Lively Description of our JustificationConcering Mr. Latimer's Communication with Mr. Bainham in Dungeon of NewgateRidley’s Account of his Disputation at OxfordA Confutation of the Song Called Salve ReginaChrist the End of the LawAn Admonition against AstrologyA Proclamation for Resisting and Withstanding of Most Damnable Heresies Sown Within this Realm by the Disciples of Luther and Other Heretics, Perverters of Christ’s ReligionThe Ten Articles, 1536The Six Articles, 1539King Edward the Sixth: His Own Arguments Against the Pope’s SupremacyA Proclamation against such as Innovate any Ceremony or Preach without License, February 6th, 1550A Proclamation Inhibiting Preachers, 23rd April, 1550A Proclamation for the Inhibition of all Preachers, 22nd September, 1550Letter of Thomas Cromwell to Stephen Vaughan, May 1531An Unpublished Letter of Peter Martyr to Heinrich Bullinger, written from Oxford just after the Completion of the Second Prayer-Book of Edward VIArticles to which Mr. Latimer was Required to Subscribe, March 11 1531Articles Devised by the Bishops for Master Latimer to Subscribe UntoBishop Latimer's Injunctions to the Prior and Convent of St Mary's House, Worcester, 1537Injunctions Given in the Visitation of the Reverend Father in God, Nicholas Bishop of London, for an Uniformity in His Diocese of London, in the Fourth Year of Our Sovereign Lord King Edward VI, by the Grace of God, King of England, etc. London, A.D. 1550Injunctions Given by the Bishop of Worcester in his Visitation to all Parsons, Vicars and Other Curates of his Diocese, 1537Reasons why the Lord’s Board Should rather be after the Form of a Table than of an AltarQuestions put Concerning some Abuses of the Mass, with AnswersAnswer to Certain Queries Touching the Abuses of the MassSome Questions with Answers Made to them by the Bishops of Worcester, Chichester, and HerefordArticles of Inquiry at the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, 1550Injunctions to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 1550A Judgement Concerning the Decretal EpistlesPreface to Melanchthon on Prayer, 1553Verses to be Said in Giving Holy Water and Holy BreadThe True History of the Christian Departing of the Reverend Man Martin Luther
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