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Listen audiobook » Comedy » The Heir At Law - George Colman the Younger

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Daniel Dowlas a chandler from Gosport, transmogrified into a baron, naturally enough demands, in what consists the mighty difference between drinking his tea out of a cup, or a saucer. He has the good sense to feel his insufficiency; and, aspiring to shine as an orator, engages a professor to teach him culture.

Opposed to my lord, stands my lady, Dowlas; wife, a full-blown hollyhock of the aristocracy of Mammon. She affects to amend her spouse's cakelology, admits that an oath may now and then be suffered to garnish polite discourse, but then, it must be pronounced with an air to one's equals, and with a kind of careless condescension to menials.

Pangloss is a peripatetic farce — an LL.D. and A.S.S. of Aberdeen. Alternating between spouting Latin and Greek, and maximising his income, he attempts to make a silk-purse out of the sows ear that is Daniel Dowlas, the new Baron Duberly. - Summary by The Plays Remarks

Cast list:
Daniel Dowlas (alias Baron Duberly): Son of the Exiles
Dick Dowlas: John Payton
Doctor Pangloss: ToddHW
Henry Morland: Greg Giordano
Stedfast: Larry Wilson
Zekiel Homespun: Alan Mapstone
Kenrick: Adrian Stephens
John: James R. Hedrick
Waiter (at the Hotel): David Purdy
Waiter (at the Blue Boar): Lynette Caulkins
Deborah Dowlas (alias Lady Duberly): Matea Bracic
Caroline Dormer: Linda Webster
Cicely Homespun: Annie Mars
Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs
Editing: Michele Eaton

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The Heir At Law - George Colman the Younger - George Colman the Younger

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Heir At Law - George Colman the Younger (George Colman the Younger)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Comedy".