Great audiobook "Chimes From A Jester’s Bells - Robert Jones Burdette" online free
Part I. The Story of Rollo; Mr. Holliday knows all there is to know about raising children, or at least he thinks he does. His attempts to train his son, Rollo, "in the way he should go," are well-meant, but hilariously unsuccessful--or are they? I believe this is a sort of spoof of the “Rollo” series for children, that was written by Jacob Abbot in the mid 19th century. The characters have the same names and the chapters have a little Q&A at the end like the Abbot books, except these are definitely tongue-in-cheek. These Rollo stories use humor (and a bit of pathos) to teach plain home truths to parents, rather than children.
Part II. Stories and Sketches; It is difficult to give this part a better description than the title implies. It is an assortment of short works. Some are humorous, some thought-provoking, some have a bit of both, and some are, I think, just a tad demented (but in a good way.)(Introduction by Debra Lynn)
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01 - The Story Of Rollo; Alpha02 - The Story Of Rollo; I. Learning To Breathe03 - The Story Of Rollo; II. Learning To Dress04 - The Story Of Rollo; III. Learning To Read05 - The Story Of Rollo; IV. Learning To Work06 - The Story Of Rollo; V. Learning To Play07 - The Story Of Rollo; VI. Learning To Travel08 - The Story Of Rollo; VII. Learning " Not To"09 - The Story Of Rollo; VIII. Jonas10 - The Story Of Rollo; IX. Learning To Learn11 - The Story Of Rollo; Omega12 - Stories And Sketches; X. The Battle Of Ardmore13 - Stories And Sketches; XI. A Neighborly Neighborhood14 - Stories And Sketches; XII. The Katydid In Opera15 - Stories And Sketches; XIII. The Old Road Show16 - Stories And Sketches; XIV. The Vacation Of Mustapha17 - Stories And Sketches; XV. The Brakeman At Church18 - Stories And Sketches; XVI. Laurel And Cypress19 - Stories And Sketches; XVII. The Legend Of The Good Drummuh20 - Stories And Sketches; XVIII. Household Pets21 - Stories And Sketches; XIX. The Strike At Hinman’s22 - Stories And Sketches; Cantistopthis
On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Chimes From A Jester’s Bells - Robert Jones Burdette (Robert Jones Burdette)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Humorous Fiction".