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Listen audiobook » Psychology » Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 - Hans GROSS

Great audiobook "Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 - Hans GROSS" online free

Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on criminal investigation. This treatise covers everything from the qualities of a good investigating officer and how to utilize various experts, to tactics employed by criminals, how to analyze footprints and blood stains, and ways that criminals perpetrate crimes. Some of the remarks relate directly to India, such as disguising one's caste.

Volume 3 (of 3) consists of Part 4 of the 4 parts in the work. - Summary by TriciaG

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Bodily Injuries and Poisoning i-iiiBodily Injuries and Poisoning iv, part 1Bodily Injuries and Poisoning iv, part 2Bodily Injuries and Poisoning vBodily Injuries and Poisoning vi-viiBodily Injuries and Poisoning viiiBodily Injuries and Poisoning ixTheft i-iiTheft iii-ivTheft v, part 1Theft v, part 2Theft viTheft vi.A.1Theft vi.A.2Theft vi.A.3.aTheft vi.A.3.b-A.4Theft vi.B-DTheft vi.E-FTheft viiCheating and Fraud i-ii.ACheating and Fraud ii.BCheating and Fraud iii.ACheating and Fraud iii.BCheating and Fraud iv.A.1Cheating and Fraud iv.A.2-3Cheating and Fraud iv.A.4Cheating and Fraud iv.A.5-6Cheating and Fraud vCheating and Fraud vi.A-FCheating and Fraud vi.G-NCheating and Fraud viiArsonSerious Accidents and Boiler Explosions
Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 - Hans GROSS - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 - Hans GROSS - Hans GROSS

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 - Hans GROSS (Hans GROSS)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Psychology / Science".