Listen audiobook Β» Science Fiction Β» The Year When Stardust Fell - Raymond Fisher JONES

Great audiobook "The Year When Stardust Fell - Raymond Fisher JONES" online free

The story of The Year When Stardust Fell is not a story of the distant future or of the remote past. It is not a story of a never-never land where fantastic happenings take place daily. It is a story of my town and yours, of people like you and me and the mayor in townhall, his sheriff on the corner, and the professor in the universityβ€”a story that happens no later than tomorrow. It is the portrayal of the unending conflict between ignorance and superstition on one hand, and knowledge and cultural enlightenment on the other as they come into conflict with each other during an unprecedented disaster brought on by the forces of nature. - Summary by The Author

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The Year When Stardust Fell - Raymond Fisher JONES - Raymond Fisher JONES

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Year When Stardust Fell - Raymond Fisher JONES (Raymond Fisher JONES)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Science Fiction".