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Predictability has come a long way. The computers of the future can tell you if you’re going to win a war before you fire a shot. Unfortunately they’re predicting perpetual standoff between the Terran and Centaurian Empires. What they need is something unpredictable, what they get is Thomas Cole, a man from the past accidently dragged forward in time. Will he fit their calculations, or is he the random variable that can break the stalemate? – The Variable Man first appeared in the September, 1953 issue of Space Science Fiction magazine. (Summary by Gregg Margarite)

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The Variable Man - Philip K. DICK - Philip K. DICK

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Variable Man - Philip K. DICK (Philip K. DICK)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Science Fiction".